Today marks the Global Day of Generosity - #GivingTuesday. From now until the day end, when you give in support of Project Maji’s work, you help us unlock a greater share of $1 million in incentive funds from Global Giving during their #MoveAMillion campaign. This is an opportunity for everyone who believes in our work to show their support and have their impact multiplied! Give a little, give a lot, give everything you’ve got!
Impact in Maji Communities
80+ Sustainable Safe Water Points
Over 200 million litres of safe water served till date
Water Collection Times Dropped by 90%
344 hours saved per person/per year
Waterborne diseases have nearly fully been eliminated

Now that’s life-changing impact, don’t you think? Support us today and help us win our share of $1 million USD from @GlobalGiving—but don't delay, matching ends in a few hours!